Benefits of Incorporating MAD MEDIA OOH billboards into multi point advertising

While OOH is an effective tool on its own, incorporating it into your media mix can amplify your marketing efforts in three distinct ways.

#1 OOH Connects You with New Audiences

Depending on your placement, your OOH ad will most likely reach a large and diverse audience. While you may think that digital ads have the largest audience, studies show that’s not entirely true. OOH has a broad impact:

  • OOH reaches a large part of people living in New Zealand (MAD MEDIA currently own and operate digital billboards in New Plymouth, Whanganui, Hamilton & Taupo)
  • 80% of people consciously notice billboards.

Compared to digital ads that people can quickly click away from or use ad blockers to avoid entirely, OOH’s reach and engagement are hard to find elsewhere. Additionally, if they’re positioned along a major road or commerce center, your ad will be seen by thousands—potentially more than once. MAD MEDIA chooses only the best, high traffic locations for our digital billboards in New Plymouth, Whanganui, Hamilton & Taupo.

In addition to connecting your brand with a larger audience, there is now technology that will allow some OOH billboard ads the capabilities to engage with your audience. Technologies like QR codes, which can be printed on OOH ads, allow consumers to easily access your product or service. You can even direct the code to your social media page for a multi-channel focus.

#2 OOH Can Target Specific Groups

A previous drawback of OOH advertising was that you didn’t know who you were reaching with it. While large audiences are always appreciated, some companies find their advertising campaigns are more effective when targeting customers who might already be interested in their product.

For that reason, using a billboard in a crowded area can be less effective. Luckily, recent updates in OOH now let companies place ads in spots where they’ll be more able to reach their intended target audiences. This change came about due to advancements in:

  • Locational intelligence like geofencing
  • Demographic data and mapping technologies

With these new technologies emerging in the market, brands will be able to better understand their audience and track engagements in real-time to help optimize their campaign.

#3 People Prefer OOH to Other Forms of Advertising

Not only does MAD MEDIA Out of Home (OOH) digital billboards have excellent reach and targeting abilities, but it also has a better perception among consumers than other forms of advertising. While people tend to find themselves annoyed or suspicious of ads they see on their computers or phones, they feel less negatively towards those they encounter outside.

This enthusiasm is seen clearly in the way OOH drives engagement compared to other ads. One study from Nielsen shows that:3

  • Companies see 4x more online engagement for every dollar with OOH than TV or print
  • Almost half the adults who see OOH go online to look up the product
  • Close to 40% have gone on Facebook to follow up on products after seeing an OOH ad

OOH’s less intrusive nature helps to spark a connection with the consumers who view it and encourages them to follow up on what they see. This level of engagement makes it something your media mix can’t afford to miss out on.

Elevate Your Marketing with MAD MEDIA

An effective OOH advertising strategy can connect you with a diverse audience, help you engage with potential customers, and gain customer loyalty on a large scale.

If you want to take your marketing mix to the next level by adding outdoor advertising, MAD MEDIA is here to help.

We can help you find the appropriate location with the MAD MEDIA network to ensure all eyes are on you and your offerings.

Don’t delay, get in touch with our friendly team of sales staff today to see how easy and affordable it really is to start your journey with MAD.

Contact MAD today to start your OOH journey!


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021 53 53 19 |

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